First Lutheran Church

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Young Youth Update for June

It’s green!! It may have been a tough spring with lots of rain and colder temperatures but it’s green!! God is great, life springs where it otherwise appeared to be dead. So, let’s celebrate with some fun events this summer.

The first event will be going to Noah’s Ark in June. There is an event made for this on the church’s facebook page. If you will be attending please either email me or sign up on the event page so that I can notify Noah’s Ark with our numbers by June 9th. This event will be run more as a family event. With the size of the park and the ages of the youth children we are asking that an adult attend with them. However, if your child would like to attend and there are not adults that are able to go with them please let me know because we will work something out. We would like everyone that wants to attend to be able to! This event will be on June 13th. We will plan on meeting in the park n’ ride by Lloyd’s BP in West Salem at 8:30 and leaving from there. The park is open from 10-6pm. The cost is $18.50 plus tax a person regardless of age and includes a hot dog lunch. We already have a few families signed up. I hope you can make it. Pray for warm, sunny weather! :)

The second event is Sugar Creek’s Explorer Camp, taking place July 10th. There is an event made on the church’s facebook page for this activity also. Come for an exciting one-day adventure at Sugar Creek. Explore camp with games, nature time, crafts, swimming, a pony ride, Bible study, singing and more!! The day runs from 9-3pm. We will plan on leaving the church parking lot at 7:30am. It costs $20 per camper which includes snacks and a lunch. Please sign up either on the event page or email me so that I can let Sugar Creek know our numbers. It also helps knowing how many drivers we will need. There are many signed up for this event already also which is awesome!!

Here’s to looking forward to a fun, safe, warm, and God filled summer with friends and family!


Katie :)