First Lutheran Church

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Sunday School Update for May

Sunday School Calendar

  • On April 27th and May 4th the 4 year olds and their parents (or special adult) will be learning about “The Keys”. Four year olds will have a special presence in worship on May 11th.
  • May 11th all Sunday School Students sing in worship
  • June 8th will be the last day of regular Sunday School

Call for teachers:

Planning for next year’s Sunday school has already begun! The only way to maintain a dynamic and well run Sunday school program is with the help of our congregation! Please consider the reward of being a Sunday school teacher or helper next year. Many hands make light work (and reap great joy! You need not be able to be present every weekend to teach, nor do you need to have experience or be an “expert” at the Bible stories. One of the great rewards is working with others, and learning as you go. We have wonderful mentors and great resources! If you are willing to consider helping with the Sunday school program in any way please contact Sheri Betz or Tawni O’Rourke.