First Lutheran Church

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OWLs Posting for December 2014

The cold weather did not slow the OWL’s down in November. On Friday Nov. 7th we (27 of us) took the opportunity for a Friday night out. It started with a great dinner at the Westview Inn and ended with a fun Las Vegas style show featuring the “Phat Pack” at the Heider Center in West Salem. A great time was had by all. We rounded off the month with a delicious lunch and Laura Liudahl teaching us to make turkey cupcakes at our potluck. See the photos of the events.

In December we will start the month with another fun trip to Sugar Creek Bible Camp for “Yesterday’s Youth”. The morning program is by Pastor Ron Nowland about “Greenlandic Norse”, when they lived there and why they disappeared. Ron traveled to Greenland this last summer to research this new and interesting presentation. As many of you know Ron is an excellent speaker and his talks are always highlighted with great photography. After a delicious lunch we will be treated to a delightful afternoon of great country, old-time gospel and blue grass music by the “DisChords” band. The date is Monday December 1st, and we will leave the church at 8:30AM to insure we get there in time for coffee and cinnamon rolls. Cost of the day including lunch is $10.

December will also feature our “Christmas Potluck”. We will gather in the church narthex at noon on Wednesday, Dec. 17th to celebrate the season. If you have a favorite Christmas or Norwegian sweater please wear for a group photo. In addition to our usual fantastic meal we will have a gift exchange and play some fun Christmas games. The theme of our gift exchange is a Christmas Ornament. Please bring a wrapped ornament costing less than $10. If you bring a gift you get to take one home. Participation is voluntary. We will play a game to determine who gets to pick first. If you happen to have an extra Christmas goodie, please bring a few to share in addition to your pot luck dish.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in December.

The OWLs are a group at First that welcomes anyone, First Lutheran members or not, who are 55+. For information or to ask questions, contact Brian Narveson.