First Lutheran Church

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Sunday School Update for November 2014

What’s happening in Sunday school this November????

  • All Month: Bring food items for Onalaska Food Pantry (details below)
  • November 2nd and 9th: 3 year old Stepping Stones
  • November 11th: 3 year old Stepping Stones in worship
  • November 11th: 3 and 4 year olds sing at 10:30 worship
  • November 30th: Thankful Sunday, Intergenerational Event

Help our Sunday school youth give thanks… all month long!

We are all blessed with God’s graces. Let us spend this month doing our best to pass on God’s grace to those in need. Please join in collecting as many items as possible this month for the Onalaska Food Pantry. Simply bring food items with you anytime you visit this month and deposit them at the display in the Narthex. On Sunday November 30th, our youth will spend the Sunday school hour packaging these items and transporting them to the Onalaska Food Bank. We could use lots of adult and high school volunteers at this Intergenerational Event! If you are able to help, please contact or call the church office and leave a message.


Throughout the year each age group will have a special “Faith Stepping Stone” session in which parents, or special adults, are asked to attend class with their child. Two-weeks in a row, during the Sunday school hour, parents and children will spend time together sharing in conversation and growing together in faith. After this class, children will have a presence in worship in celebration of the Faith Stepping Stone they have learned about.


If you have not gotten a chance to register for Sunday School, come anyway! We will show you where to go. Then when you get a chance, to register please stop by the Sunday School office where extra forms are available.