First Lutheran Church

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Announcements for Sunday, Nov. 24, 2019

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First Lutheran is assisting with Come for Supper on Tuesday, Nov. 26, at Our Savior’s in La Crosse. First Lutheran will help with food donations and volunteering to serve and clean up. The sign-up sheets are at the Welcome Center. Call Gloria Kubiak if you have questions, 608.498.2762.

Thanksgiving Eve Worship

A little later than our usual worship on Wednesday, Nov. 27, members of First are invited to join in a special, ecumenical worship service that Thanksgiving Eve at 6:30pm, here at First, with our brothers and sisters in Christ from Onalaska United Methodist.

Community Thanksgiving Dinner

This year’s Community Thanksgiving Dinner will be on Thursday, Nov. 28, from 11am-2pm at the Onalaska Armory on Oak Forest Dr. Several Rotary clubs organize the free meal. Any community member is welcome. Volunteers are welcome, too. To volunteer to help with the dinner, go to Delivered meals are available to residents in Onalaska, Holmen and Bryce Prairie. To request a meal delivery, call 608.518.9388.

Newsletter Assembly

It’s a relaxing way to volunteer! Wednesday, Nov. 27, at 9am, to assemble the Dec./Jan. newsletter. See you there!  

Advent Around the Table

Advent is a season full of rich traditions for both home and church. We invite everyone to join us in Fellowship Hall on Sunday, Dec. 1, at 9:15am, for our annual Advent Around the Table event. We will gather to create advent crafts for our homes, and costumes for the Christmas Program. Along the way we will learn more about this particular season, have great fellowship and grow in our faith as we kick off the Advent season.

Baptismal Preparation

A baptism preparation session will be Saturday, Dec. 7, at 10am in the narthex for anyone who is considering or has scheduled a baptism. To register or ask questions call the church office at 608.783.3326 by this Sunday, Nov. 24. Min. attendance required: 2 families. 

Christmas Giving Tree

The tree in the narthex with tags have specific requests for people that La Crosse County Social Services is working with. Take a tag from the tree, buy a new item that meets the request, wrap it in a box, and attach the tag to the outside of the gift. Gifts need to be under the tree by Dec. 8. Call our office 608.783.2236 if you'd like to know what else might be on a person's wish list.

Faith Alive! U: Public Service as a Christian 

A Faith Alive! U course presented by Joel Miller, Sunday, Dec. 8, at 6pm. Hear from First Lutheran member and La Crosse Police Officer Joel Miller talk about his faith journey and being a police officer. He'll talk about issues like identity formation and changing personal perspectives to align his faith with his work; about current initiatives with the La Crosse Collaborative to End Homelessness and explore how to connect your work and faith in ways that are fulfilling and of service to the least of those in your community. Childcare is available. For kids in grade school, we offer a supervised kid zone. For kids not yet in grade school, we will have adult supervision in the nursery. Community meal beforehand at 5:30pm; sign-up to share at 

Job Opening

First Lutheran is looking for a lead custodian to manage the maintenance of the church buildings and grounds. Flexible hours are available. Pay is $19/hr, 25 hours/week with a pension benefit. Call 608.783.2236 or e-mail to inquire. 

Young Youth Cookie Decorating

Meet at the church on Saturday, Dec. 14, at 4pm in the fellowship hall to decorate Christmas cookies. The cookies will be given to the residents that we visit when the church goes caroling on Dec. 15 at 4pm. Parents are welcome, even encouraged, to attend the cookie decorating event! Young Youth is a group for children in grades K–2 and 3–5. Questions? contact Beth Miller:

Survey Re: Next Bishop

The La Crosse Area Synod encourages all synod members to read the Our Next Bishop: A Study Guide and Survey and take the Synod Survey Response available at The Survey is meant to foster the thoughtful discussion and prayerful discernment that is vital in making this Call. Take your time: read, reflect, and pray. Deadline to submit surveys is 5pm, Wednesday, Jan. 15. Questions? Contact the synod office:

Blessing Government Employees

We invite all staff of the government at every level to join us on Sunday, Dec. 15, for worship and a special blessing for all the work you do on behalf of our community and country.

Christmas Caroling

Sunday, December 15, 4–7pm. Hop on a bus and take a ride around Onalaska to visit and carol to those who need extra Christmas cheer! RSVP at


Who knew a bell could provide so much hope! Please volunteer to ring those bells for the major Salvation Army fund raiser. The two-hour shifts helps feed the hungry, shelter a family, provide support for those in need. There are still many open spots at the 22 sites around town. To find a kettle near you register at or call 608.782.2126.

Sunday School Christmas Worship

It is a wonderful time of year and a great way for our kids to spread their Christmas joy! Wednesday, Dec. 18, at 6:15pm worship.

Blue Christmas

Saturday, December 21, 5pm. Please join us at First Lutheran for an hour of worship including music, prayers, candlelight and reflection on what God is up to amidst our blue feelings around Christmas. After worship there will be a time for a light meal and conversation.


Come for Supper at Our Savior’s in La Crosse is asking for your help. They will be purchasing winter gloves and personal hygiene items to distribute to supper guests for Christmas. If you would be interested in helping finance the purchase of these gifts, checks for any amount can be sent to Our Savior’s Lutheran (612 Division St, La Crosse, WI 54601). Make sure you designate your gift to “Come for Supper.” Thank you!


The ELCA YAGM program invites young adults (ages 21-29) into a year-long international journey of service. If you, a friend, a church family member would be interested in such a journey, go to and begin the application process. The application window will open Nov. 1, and close Feb. 15, 2020, with priority given to those who apply by Jan. 15.

Cancellations Due to Inclement Weather

If the weather ever makes you wonder whether your group is meeting for their ministry, check our Web:, Facebook page, or update the office with your cell number and provider so that we can text you. The staff and leadership of First intend to ‘make the call’ by 5pm at the latest so everyone knows what to expect. Be safe this winter!

Snow Birds

Are you heading out? Please let us know if you'll be spending the winter somewhere else. If we know your seasonal address, we can keep in touch by sending you the monthly newsletter. Call or email
the office with your winter address: 608.783.2236,

Welcome Baskets

Welcome baskets are a way to welcome a new neighbor into your neighborhood. The baskets are a gift bag tied with bow, filled with some goodies from church and from our community. They are available to sign out at the Resource Center across from the church office. 

Helping Hands

If you need help with small jobs around the house or if you need a couple of meals or groceries delivered, just go to the “Helping Hands” board by the nursery and make out a slip with a description of what you need help with and your telephone number. Then anyone who thinks they can help out can take the slip and call the number to work out the details. This ministry is open to all in need of help AND to those who can provide the help. There is no set group of “helpers” so we need involvement from all who can be a blessing to someone else. Thanks! 

Faith Alive Visitations

A group of First Lutheran members have initiated a new Faith Alive mission. Their goal is to “keep-in-touch” with our fellow members who are home bound.  The visitation team will keep Faith Alive with phone calls, home visits or by mailing notes to remind “at home” members that our church loves and cares about them. Please notify the church office at 608.783.2236 or if you’re aware of an individual or care giver who is either long or short-term home bound.

Courageous Men’s Group

The Courageous Men’s Group are men of all ages who meet weekly on Wednesdays at 6am in the Fireside Room for a time of fellowship and study. Contact Chad Schultz, Jim Sysimaki, or the church office for more info:

Stephen Ministry

If you know of someone who needs a caregiver, please speak with Pastor Karyn, or call the church office.

Sunday School

Sunday, Nov 24

  • 9:15am 4K FBB: The Keys (2nd meeting, parents/guardians & child)

  • 9:15am Sunday School

Sunday, Dec 1

  • 4K FBB: The Keys, lifted up in worship

  • 9:15am Advent Around the Table - Fellowship Hall

New registrations welcome any time of the year. Contact Sunday School superintendent Beth Miller at or stop in the Sunday School office in room 206. 



  • 9:15am Gr 6 & 7 Bible Classes


  • No Gr 8 & 9 Small Groups

Questions? Contact Pastor Stanton,

Middle & High School Youth Groups

Grades 6–12 gather together most Sundays for meal and fellowship from 
5-5:30pm, then split for the remainder of the evening for separate activities. Questions? Contact Andrea: 608.790.5631.